Repairing a luxury yacht with AVKO
Find out how Craig Belding from Luxury Yacht Repairs used AVKO in his most recent project Contact AVKOContact Craig @ Luxury Yacht Repairs
What was the project?
Craig was tasked with the challenge of repairing a Fairline Squadron 58 yacht in Norway, whose lacquered woodwork had been bleached due to the exposure to direct sunlight. Where the lacquered finish has low UV protection it left a mis-matched colour compared to the cabinetry inside.
How was the experience reaching out to AVKO?
After preparing the woodwork for re-staining and lacquering, disaster struck in the form of non-delivery of the original lacquer used on the yacht. That was when Craig decided to approach AVKO for help. A representative met with Craig on board where Craig explained the process and what he needed. Following this, Craig was invited to AVKO’s facility where he tested out various materials to make sure he was set for the job.
Which AVKO products did you end up using for the job?
“Over the years I have had to use many different types of lacquers and processes, dependant on what the manufacturer of the yacht has used.”
“For this particular job and jobs I have done since I now use the following products: 3910 base coat with 3910 hardener thinned with 95 slow thinners. Top coat with 1495 with 279 hardener and thinned with 13000 thinners.”
“This combination produced outstanding results and has continued to do so on many more jobs that I have undertaken.”
“I cannot advocate AVKO representatives and products enough as the support that I have received thus far, has been second to none.”
Think AVKO might be able to help you too?
Our sales and support team is available Monday-Friday 8:30am-4:30pm.